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Saturday, April 6, 2019

The New African/American Story Book

THE NEW AFRICAN/AMERICAN STORY BOOK is a story tale written to keep you wondering of things people do, how things become in place, how dream always come through and other story tale which will keep you reading the book time to time. 

There are so many stories untold which are unveiled in this book.There are so many interesting stories in this book which will keep wondering and imagine things while giving you knowledge of something and power to defend yourself in a difficult time.There are;The Story of the Americano Girl, the Rich man and the Poor man, an old woman and the mushroom, the Lion and the Little Boy, the Tortoise and the Spirit, the Elephant and the Bull, the Golden Fish and the Fisherman, the wise and the Foolish, Little Emmanuella and Evil Spirits, a woman and her Children, Adamu and the Evil Bicycle, Fishes and Shacks, wisdom of the Tortoise, the Lazy Tortoise, Linda and the Snakes, the Creator and His Creatures, his father and the fatherless one, the three Wealthy Women, the Eagle among the Chickens and other top and tough and touching stories assembled in this book with lessons outlines for gladness, wisdom acquisition and progression in everything you think that will be of beneficial to you. Don’t read it along, read with friend and family. Make sure your friend has their copy.

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This is a Blog Page of CHIMAUCHEM DESTINY OKPALAEKE, an English Novelist who is committed in writing interesting Books to keep people entertained. His is a great writer of his time and well popular with his line of story. contact me for any inquiry.


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